Monday, 19 May 2008

Beach Party! Now on the 14th, Underhill Park on 7th.

Change of plan for the last two weeks of the season. Sorry for not being clear. This is the plan....

Saturday 7th June
Unfortunately the tide is right in and we would not be able to play until the afternoon (when it would be too busy). So we will postpone the BBQ and just have a training session at Underhill Park at 9:30 instead. This will be the penultimate session.

Saturday 14th June
Last Saturday of rugby for the season, plus breakfast bar-b-que, plus coaches review of the season (!), plus plans for next year, plus little presentation to the boys for all their efforts. This will be at our home on Caswell Beach at 9:30. Next week I'll send round details of BBQ stuff that you might need to bring.

Even if you can't make the park on the 7th, please try and make the BBQ on the 14th. Everyone that has been to any session is welcome, and it doesn't matter if they have taken a break at all. Please spread the word, it will make for a great end to the beach rugby.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Back to the beach

Despite some protestations from those that enjoyed the park last week, we are back on the beach on Saturday. 9:30.

If it starts to get busy on the beach we'll make a permanent move to Underhill. Not so good for the washing I know, but better for the rugby.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Saturday 10th: New Venue

Change of plan for this Saturday. High tide is at 10:50, and there will be no sand for us all morning. So we will meet for training at Underhill Park at 9:30. We will play on the top rugby pitch, right by the carpark, so meet there. Unfortunately, latte and croissants will not be served. Think of it as practice for next winter and bring a thermos. And wellies.

I am hoping it doesn't rain all day Friday, so that after the recent nice weather the ground should be firm and trainers should be fine. If any of the boys have rugby boots (maybe from older brothers) they could give them a go but I don't think they'll be essential. If it is a mudbath we'll have to call it off.

If you bump into any of the other players please let them know the plans in case they miss the blog.