Wednesday, 17 December 2008

First session in 2009

The first session back after the Christmas and New Year festivities will be on 10th January. A time for the session will be announced at a later stage.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Chip Shop finale to 2008

I think all the players deserve a break over Christmas and the New Year! Thinking back it is brilliant to see how far all the boys have progressed, I think they can all be rightly proud of their achievements!

Thanks must go to Emma for organising the Chip Shop spectacular which was great fun and enjoyed by everyone!

Thanks also to Scott (Lucas dad) for the photographs.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Plans for Saturday morning

The tides are favourable this weekend for us. We will have a session at 9.30 at the beach which we will aim to last for an hour. After that those interested can come down to Covellis for a lovely chip christmas party. Cost of this as per previous postings.

This will be our last session for 2008, Grant and his coaching staff would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous 2009.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Training at the park cancelled

Due to the miserable weather conditions, we are sorry to have to call the training session off.

More information on the session on the 13th to be posted later this week.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Change of venue for Saturday!

Due to the high tide at 11.30am this Saturday (6th December), we have no option but to cancel the training this week. However we are offering another session at 9.30am Saturday at Underhill park instead. We will meet at the top end of the park, near the car park. Please note, if you wish your child to take part this Saturday they must have boots for Health and Safety reasons.

We are also aware that there is not a particularly good forecast for the weekend, so please keep an eye on the blog for last minute cancellations, we will either call the session off on Friday evening or early Saturday morning. Please check here before venturing down!

We have only had a handful of people who are keen on the event for the following Saturday at Covellis - please contact Grant, Emma or myself if you wish to come along - we need to know numbers!