Tony and I were very happy with all of the play this week, the predators showing some great lines, tag tackles, tries & some strong running from all.The theme of the session was to keep warm and fight the cold snap. Well done to Torrin for winning the tag bulldogs this week. Thanks to all the Mums and Dads for turning out in record numbers.

Some predators & family asked about how long we would keep practicing for this year? The plan is to train until the end of May. During May we will have a mini tournament with the under 7's & under 8's at Underhill park. We will then break until the summer hols. During the summer school break we would like to meet once a week probably a week day early evening to keep the predators learning and fresh for next season. Fixtures and training for the 2010/11 year will begin officially in September.
Kit: We have one rugby shirt left up for grabs, 1 hat (£5), No gloves (£5). We plan to put another order in for September. However, if there is enough demand then we can order through the club before. The rugby shirts are "hand me downs" and I am asking some of the older teams for spares and my goal is to find kit for all. We would like to start collecting subs of
50p per week to cover hot dogs and save for next year, hope everybody is happy with that amount.
Hope all that went back to the cricket club enjoyed the hot dogs. We are back on the
beach this week at 11.15 am. Chris and Tony will be running the session this week, Tracy & I are in Dublin doing some rugby research and spying for the predators. Keep an eye on the blog!