Friday, 30 October 2009

No Beach rugby this weekend 1st November

Due to half-term break there will be no beach rugby this weekend, see you back down at Caswell next weekend the 8th, time to be confirmed.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The Predators Graced Underhill Park

It was great to see the predators play so well on grass. Highlights of the session came from Will & James who showed some great tagging skills with strong running & scores coming from Luke, Louis, Ethan, Rees & Torin.

This week we had a spy up at the Ospreys tag training ground in LLandarcy, so over the next couple of weeks we will be introducing some new games & fun warm ups.

The park provided a good alternative venue to the beach when we have high tide. I was asked why we don't play there all the time? The main reasons are, officially all the predators would need boots and also we do not have an official slot from the park keeper or Mumbles RFC, however this will all change next year.

Hope everybody enjoyed the extra hour in bed not like coach Jon & family, who forgot about the time change and turned up at the park one hour early! Stop Laughing!

Keep an eye on the blog for next weeks arrangements !

Friday, 23 October 2009

Change of venue for this weekend!

The tide is against us this week so we will be meeting at Underhill Park near the swings for 9.15am. If the players have boots they can wear them, otherwise trainers as usual will be fine.

Ps. Please remember any outstanding registration forms. We will also be collecting a joining fee of £5.00 per player.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

It was Wet and Windy

Well done to all the players who made it to a wet and windy practise! It was our first weather challenge and the arrival of players persuaded the coaches to continue as planned.

The prime objective of the session was to stay busy and warm and we all got a good workout. Everyone should sleep well tonight! During the game once again there was some great solo tries and the coaches noticed the beginnings of some good support players. Well done, see you next week - 9.15am.

A note to the parents: We will be looking to start collecting subs for the Mumbles Predators account next week. We are proposing a £5.00 joining fee with a £4.00/month standing order. All monies will be spent on the team.

Lastly, please pass the word around to any interested Year 1's who would like to join The Predators. We are hoping to build a full side for next season's fixtures down at Underhill Park.

Monday, 5 October 2009

More great weather at the beach

Sunday morning gave us another great day for beach rugby. The players were in full spirit and enjoyed the usual warm-up, drills and game of TAG rugby.

Welcome to Torin who displayed winning talent with good tagging skills and a debut try. Other tries came from Louis, Luke and James. Well done lads!

This Sunday (11th) the tide will be coming in, and we will be tight for time and possibly space. But not wanting to disappoint the players we will begin at 9.00am and play for as long as the tide allows. See you down the beach.

Friday, 2 October 2009

"Mumbles Predators" have arrived!

Following agreement from the players on Sunday, we have decided on our name: "Mumbles Predators".

After a good warm-up, a passing skills practice and an introduction to the TAG belts the players impressed the coaches with their first game of TAG rugby. All players had the opportunity to handle the ball with tries from James, Mason, Ethan, Will and Louis, giving a result of Reds: 3, Yellows: 3.

We hope to see more of the same next week. Same time of 9.15am.